The American Society of Andrology’s mission is to advance discovery and education in andrology, the study of male reproductive health. To maintain the health of our Society long into the future, it is essential to build a robust Endowment portfolio that supports this mission.
Ongoing Pledges to the ASA
Make a PLEDGE of a certain amount and make periodic payments over a specified period of time to affect a greater impact. You, as the donor, decides the amount and payment frequency (monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually). The ASA will send pledge reminders to assist. Pledges are tax deductible.
Click here to express your intent to make a pledge
Click on one of the links below to make a one-time contribution.
To make a tax deductible contribution, simply click on the fund to which you wish to donate. You will be redirected to the secure website of The Cleveland Foundation, which manages the ASA endowment funds.
ASA 50th Anniversary Sustainability Endowment Fund
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Supports the general activities of the Society as approved by the Board of Directors.
ASA Education Fund
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Supports annual meeting expenses and other educational activities as approved by the Board of Directors. Fund established by merging a gift from Buckeye Urology Group with Education Endowment Fund.
Steinberger Endowment
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Supports the Emil Steinberger Memorial Lecture, a ASA Keynote lecture. The fund was established in honor of the founding President of the Society.
Women in Andrology Endowment
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Supports the WIA plenary lecture given by an outstanding female scientist at the Annual Meeting and other activities of women in the ASA, as approved by the Board of Directors. Fund was established by J. Lisa Tenover, Gail Prins, Susan Rothmann, Nancy Alexander
Rosemberg Endowment
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Supports the ASA Distinguished Andrologist Award, the Society highest honor. It honors the memory of a founding member of ASA who gave a bequest to ASA that started the fund. As a Board designated fund the remaining income is available for other uses as determined by the ASA Board of Directors.
Past Presidents Endowment
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Fund currently supports the Distinguished Service Award. Remaining income may be used for other ASA activities, as approved by the ASA Board of Directors. Fund established from contributions made by or in honor of ASA Past-Presidents.
Hardy Endowment
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Supports the ASA Young Andrologist Award, honoring the memory of a leading ASA member. As a Board designated fund the remaining income is available for other activities associated with support and/or recognition of young investigators as determined by the ASA Board of Directors. Fund established by colleagues of Matthew P. Hardy.
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Supports Trainee Merit Awards at the Annual Meeting. Two awards are individually named in memory of ASA trainee advocates; Lonnie P. Russell and Thomas C. K. Chang. The fund was formed initially from a merger of the Trainee Affairs Fund initiated with an original donation from Pfizer and assets of the Lonnie D. Russell and Thomas C.K. Chang Memorial Funds. Later the Trainee Awards Fund initiated with a gift from the Western Michigan Reproductive Institute was merged into the Fund.
Amelar Endowment
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Supports the Richard D. Amelar Lecture, presented at the ASA annual meeting. The fund was established in honor of a distinguished founding member of the Society.
Andrology Journal Fund
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Supports the annual award for the best paper published in our journal Andrology within the preceding year. Fund started by gifts from Douglas T. Carrell.
Life Membership
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Supports Journal Subscription Costs for Life Members who donate an amount equivalent to 20 years membership dues at once. Interest income accrues to Publications Cost Center.
Annual (Restricted Asset) Fund
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The ASA Annual Fund contains current use funds used to support priority initiatives of ASA.
Visit to learn more about us. For more information about these or other gifting vehicles, please contact ASA’s Advancement Consultant Larry Becker, CFRE, at (330) 696-6709 or The Cleveland Foundation Advancement Team at (877) 554-5054, referencing the American Society of Andrology.

ASA is an Organizational Partner of the Cleveland Foundation, the oldest community foundation in the USA. The Foundation holds and manages our fund investments for greater return on investment and fiscally prudent growth. Each year, a percentage of funds is available for the needs of ASA. Assets are reinvested to protect against inflation and to meet the future needs of the organization.
GIVING IN THE FUTURE… represents an opportunity to establish an enduring legacy within ASA’s permanent endowments, in many cases without impacting today’s life style.
ASA’s partnership with the Cleveland Foundation offers donors a variety of giving vehicles to meet their philanthropic goals. Cleveland Foundation staff will work with you, ASA and your professional advisors to find a vehicle based on your unique needs and circumstances and create sample illustrations.
Bequests: A bequest to ASA in one’s will or trust is the easiest ways to provide a future gift that benefits your special interest. Our advisors will work with your legal professional on specific bequest language.
Charitable Gift Annuities: A charitable gift annuity is an irrevocable gift that returns an income stream to the donor or another beneficiary over their lifetime. The donor qualifies for an income tax charitable deduction for part of the gift, while the payments to the beneficiary may receive favorable tax treatment. At the end of the gift term, the remainder of the annuity would support a specific ASA Endowment Fund to help substantially meet ASA’s future needs.
Life Insurance Policies: Life insurance policies can be an excellent tool to support the ASA with many different ways to structure such a gift.
Trusts: Charitable Remainder Trusts allow donors to create an income stream for themselves or other beneficiaries for a term of years, with the remainder of the trust corpus creating a gift to ASA and are flexible enough to permit the use of a variety of assets. As the opposite of a Charitable Remainder Trust, a Charitable Lead Trust provides payments to ASA and remaining assets would be transferred to other individuals or even back to the donor at a future date.
ASA’s partnership with the Cleveland Foundation offers donors a variety of giving vehicles to meet their philanthropic goals. Cleveland Foundation staff will work with you, ASA and your professional advisors to find a vehicle based on your unique needs and circumstances and create sample illustrations.
Bequests: A bequest to ASA in one’s will or trust is the easiest ways to provide a future gift that benefits your special interest. Our advisors will work with your legal professional on specific bequest language.
Charitable Gift Annuities: A charitable gift annuity is an irrevocable gift that returns an income stream to the donor or another beneficiary over their lifetime. The donor qualifies for an income tax charitable deduction for part of the gift, while the payments to the beneficiary may receive favorable tax treatment. At the end of the gift term, the remainder of the annuity would support a specific ASA Endowment Fund to help substantially meet ASA’s future needs.
Life Insurance Policies: Life insurance policies can be an excellent tool to support the ASA with many different ways to structure such a gift.
Trusts: Charitable Remainder Trusts allow donors to create an income stream for themselves or other beneficiaries for a term of years, with the remainder of the trust corpus creating a gift to ASA and are flexible enough to permit the use of a variety of assets. As the opposite of a Charitable Remainder Trust, a Charitable Lead Trust provides payments to ASA and remaining assets would be transferred to other individuals or even back to the donor at a future date.