Types of Membership
All ASA memberships will receive FREE online access to the journal Andrology and are invited to attend the annual meeting of the Society at a member’s discount.
- Active Member: Any professionally qualified physician, veterinarian, scientist, or laboratory technician with an interest in and evidence of scientific contributions to the field of Andrology.
From $265 annual dues fee for one year or $750 annual dues fee for three years. - Associate Member: Any professional beyond the trainee stage with a non-doctoral degree with an interest in and evidence of contributions in the field of andrology shall be eligible for membership in the Society.
From $165 annual dues fee. - Trainee Member: A person in training interested in the progress and development of Andrology (graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, medical and veterinary students, medical residents, and fellows).
From $60 annual dues fee. - Life Member: Available to any active member who makes a single payment equivalent to twenty years of membership dues to the Society.
From $5,300 single dues fee. - Emeritus Member: Awarded by the Membership Committee to members who have retired and are worthy of the designation of Emeritus. Emeritus members do not pay dues but they receive an online subscription to Andrology, other Society mailings, and their Annual Meeting registrations are discounted. Requests for Emeritus membership must be accompanied by a copy of the applicant’s CV (an abridged version is adequate) and two letters of support from active ASA members. Please contact: [email protected] to submit a request.
- Membership consists of Active, Life, Trainee and Emeritus Members as these classes are defined by the ByLaws.
- ASA is pleased to offer a tiered World Bank Membership discount. This is available for those members/applicants living and working in countries that are within the three lowest World-Bank economic tiers (low, lower middle and upper middle). Eligible countries and the discount offered can be found here. Country of residence will be verified before the membership application is approved. Any membership applications not eligible for the applied discount will be voided and asked to reapply. Dues discount applies to applications and renewals from beginning September 2024. Discount not applicable to dues paid prior to September 2024.
- Click here to submit a member application online today!
- Click here to download a PDF version of the membership application.