Previous Publication of Proceedings of the NATW
Year | Editor(s) | Volume/issue Title | Reference |
1974 | Maria Dufau, Anthony Means | Hormone Binding and Target Cell Activation in the Testis | 1 |
1975 | Frank French, Vidar Hansen, Martin Ritzen, Shihadeh Nafeh | Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis | 2 |
1977 | Philip Troen, Howard Nankin | The Testis in Normal and Infertile Men | 3 |
1978 | Vidar Hansen, Martin Ritzen, Kenneth Purvis, Frank French | Endocrine Approaches to Male Contraception | 4 |
1980 | Anna Steinberger, Emil Steinberger | Testicular Development Structure and Function | 5 |
1982 | Wayne Bardin, Richard Sherins | The Cell Biology of the Testis | 6 |
1984 | Kevin Catt, Maria Dufau | Hormone Action and Testicular Function | 7 |
1987 | Marie-Claire Orgebin-Crist, Benjamin Danzo | Cell Biology of the Testis and Epididymis | 8 |
1989 | Larry Ewing, Bernard Robaire | Regulation of Testicular Function | 9 |
1991 | Bernard Robaire | The Male Germ Cell | 10 |
1994 | Andrzej Bartke | Function of Somatic Cells in the Testis | 11 |
1996 | Claude Desjardins | Cellular and Molecular Regulation of Testicular Cells | 12 |
1998 | Barry Zirkin | Germ Cell Development, Division, Dysfunction and Death | 13 |
2000 | Erwin Goldberg | The Testis: From Stem Cell to Sperm Function | 14 |
2006 | Matt Hardy, Mike Griswold | Testicular Cell Dynamics and Endocrine Signaling | 15 |
2008 | E. Mitch Eddy, Michael Griswold | Chromosome Structure and Gene Expression | 16 |
2013 | John R. McCarrey, E. Mitchell Eddy | Testicular Function: Levels of Regulation | 17 |
2020 | Vassilios Papadopoulos, Wei Yan | Lifelong cell–cell interactions in the testis: A driver for male fertility | 18 |
2023 | Wei Yan, Katherine Loveland | New horizons in testis biology and men’s health | 19 |
- Hormone binding and target cell activation in the testis. Dufau ML, Means AR, eds. New York: Plenum Press, 1974.
- Hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis. French FS, Hansson V, Ritzen EM, Nayfeh SN, eds. Current topics in molecular endocrinology, vol. 2. New York: Plenum Press, 1975.
- The testis in normal and infertile men. Troen P, Nankin H, eds. New York: Raven Press, 1976.
- Endocrine approach to male contraception Hansson V, Ritzen EM, Purvis K, French FS, eds.. Int J Andro11978 suppl. 2.
- Testicular development, structure, and function. Steinberger A, Steinberger E, eds. New York: Raven Press, 1980.
- The cell biology of the testis. Bardin CW, Sherins RJ, eds. Ann NY Acad Sci 1982, 383.
- Hormone action and testicular function. Catt KJ, Dufau ML, eds. Ann NY Acad Sci 1984, 438.
- Cell biology of the testis and epididymis. Orgebin-Crist M-C, Danzo BD, eds. Ann NY Acad Sci 1987;513.
- Regulation of testicular function: signaling molecules and cell-cell communication. Ewing LL, Robaire B, eds. Ann NY Acad Sci 1989;564.
- The male germ cell: spermatogonium to fertilization. Robaire B, ed. Ann NY Acad Sci 1991;637.
- Function of somatic cells in the testis. Bartke A, ed. New York: Springer, 1994.
- Cellular and Molecular Regulation of Testicular Cells Claude Desjardins, ed. Springer, 1996.
- Germ Cell Development, Division, Dysfunction and Death. Barry Zirkin, ed. Springer, 1998.
- The Testis: From Stem Cell to Sperm Function. Erwin Goldberg, ed. Springer, 2000.
- Testicular Cell Dynamics and Endocrine Signaling. Matt Hardy, Mike Griswold, ed. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2006, 1061.
- Chromosome Structure and Gene Expression. E. Mitch Eddy, Michael Griswold, ed.
- Testicular Function: Levels of Regulation. John R. McCarrey, E. Mitchell Eddy J. Andrology Volume, 2013, 31, 1-201.
- Lifelong cell–cell interactions in the testis: A driver for male fertility.Vassilios Papadopoulos, Wei Yan. Andrology.2020;8(4).
- New horizons in testis biology and men’s health. Wei Yan Katherine L. Loveland. Andrology. 2023;11(5).