(Derived from Endocrine Society Code of ethics and approved for use by the Endocrine Society President 2008)
The ASA will support andrology research, education and clinical practice to the highest integrity and promote high quality science and collegiality among its members. The annual meeting and other educational programs will provide objective and high quality information.
- The objectivity of the Society will not be influenced by corporate or other sources of income. Conflicts of interest shall be disclosed to the Society in a timely and comprehensive manner.
- Members shall be kept informed of the activities of the Society
- The Society shall conduct fair and democratic elections and ensure democratic decision making among its Committees
- Members shall be provided means to voice concerns.
- The Society will ensure no barriers to activities vi) Society shall organize its activities to recognize the diverse professional needs of its members.
Sources of commercial funding should not influence scientific, educational or public policy decisions of the Society
Commercial supporters will not control the planning, content, speaker selection or execution of any ASA sponsored program b) Display of commercial products in the exhibit hall at meetings or journal does not imply warranty, endorsement or support of the products and does not validate the effectiveness, quality or safety of the products. c) Complete disclosure of commercial support will be made known by speakers and at Society-sponsored activities d) Program directors, speakers and commercial supporters will be informed of these policies before every meeting.
Subsidies from industry should not be accepted directly to pay for the cost of travel, lodgings or personal expenses of the members, trainees attending the conferences or meetings.
The Society may act to promote the study, or increase awareness, of specific andrological issues. It is appropriate for the Society to take a position regarding andrological issues in the interest of the public. The Society will not support specific positions at the expense of objectivity or credibility. Such support shall not be for any favors, financial inducements or quid pro quo
The Society shall not participate in marketing of health-related products with the exception of its own journal, educational materials and programs.
Refer to the Journal of Andrology website.
Respect for the integrity of the scientific process, including high ethical conduct is required for research in andrology. The Society should provide guidance and educational opportunities to its members in ethical aspects of research and clinical practice. The Society will actively promote a climate that fosters ethical conduct.
Privacy and confidentiality of all parties will be respected.
- The Committee will provide guidance in the form of support and based on historical cases and general ethical principles.
- The consultation or findings by the Committee and the ASA should not be considered legal advice and the Committee accepts no liability for the decision made by the requesting party.
- The Committee may be asked to prepare position statements for the Society in response to ethical concerns. Such statement will need to be approved by the Council.
On occasion the professional behavior of a member may warrant a sanction by the Society. The Society may suspend or expel a member or prevent him/her from publishing in the Journal of Andrology for a period of time. Such decisions require unequivocal demonstration of professional behavior that is unethical and or illegal.
- Members will treat colleagues with respect and promote collegiality
- Members will report to appropriate authorities the conduct of colleagues that threaten research integrity, integrity of the medical profession or patient/animal welfare.
- Members who supervise trainees shall disclose their financial interests in projects directly involving the trainees’ academic program. Such a relationship must be delineated between member and trainee.
- Members are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest standards of professional behavior in performance and reporting of research. Data should be reported fully and truthfully.
The Society incorporates the principles, including the provision for due process, set forth in the Ethical Guidelines for Publication of Research (Endocrinology. 1990; 126:1-2) and follows the Guidelines on Authorship of Medical Papers (Ann Intern Med. 1986; 104:269-274). The Journal of Andrology is now a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics and adheres to the guidelines of ethical conduct set out by this organization.
The Society expects that all investigations involving human or animal experimentation will have been conducted in accordance with accepted humane practices. The Society supports the principles of research involving human subjects as expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki and those of animal subjects as expressed in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals prepared by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources for the National Research Council.
Anti-Harassment Policy Addendum to:
Developed by the ASA Ethics Committee
Adopted by ASA Board of Directors: October 3-4, 2019, Chicago IL
Click here to view the Anti-Harassment Policy and Safety Plan (PDF)
1-Harassment definition.
As stated by the Societies Consortium On Sexual Harassment In Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM), sexual harassment constitutes an obstacle to excellence that must be banished. Sexual harassment includes gender harassment, hostile environment created by inappropriate behaviours, sexual assault and any other discrimination on the basis of sex or gender, and any form of retaliatory harassment.
2- ASA Anti-Harassment Policy.
The American Society of Andrology (ASA) is an inclusive community dedicated to supporting andrology research, education and clinical practice through outstanding science and collegial annual meeting. To provide an optimal professional environment to its members, the ASA aspires to i) promote scientific discoveries and clinical practice with respect of integrity, ii) foster education and career development, iii) increase diversity and equity among ASA members, and iv) sponsor a collegial and harassment-free networking atmosphere. To nurture the latter point, the ASA enjoins all ASA members and participants to ASA events to apply the following Anti-Harassment Policy:
All ASA members and ASA event participants should be conscious of their surroundings. They are expected to be respectful in their speech and actions, and to abjure humiliating, discriminatory, or harassing conduct/communication.
The ASA proscribes any unacceptable behaviour, which includes but is not limited to:
- Intimidating, abusive, derogatory, harassing, demeaning, retaliation, reporting false declarations or aggressive speech or actions by any ASA member and participants during the ASA annual meeting and all related events, as well as during one-on-one communications carried out in the context of ASA.
- Prejudicial verbal/written/visual comments or images related to gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, race, color, age, marital status, veteran status, socioeconomic status, religion, appearance, or other personal characteristics.
- Unwelcome or uninvited contact, including advances of verbal, nonverbal or physical nature, physical assault, threat of professional or financial damage or harm, and unwelcome sexual advances.
Please note that exhibitors, including sponsor and vendor booths, are also subject to the Anti-Harassment Policy.
3- Situation of non-respect of the Anti-Harassment Policy
In alignment with other professional societies, unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated, and appropriate actions will be taken as necessary.
How to report harassment occurring at any ASA related event?
Any ASA meeting attendee or participant who experiences harassment is encouraged to immediately notify the alleged harasser that the behaviour is unwelcome. If the person is unaware that their conduct is inappropriate, simply advising them may be sufficient to prevent this from recurring. If the discussion with the alleged harasser does not correct the problem, or if the complainant is not confident with such an approach, the complainant is encouraged to report to the ASA Meeting Management Staff or to the meeting organizers.
How to report criminal activity at any ASA related event?
If suspected criminal activity has occurred, the complainant is encouraged to contact the local police department and the ASA Meeting Management Staff.
It is encouraged that anyone witnessing or experiencing harassment write down the details, which may be requested to produce a report. Upon request and in accordance with the law, the complaint will be kept confidential; relevant information will only be shared as needed with ASA members directly involved in investigating the complaint (see section “Investigations and disciplinary processes”). All complaints of harassment will be taken seriously and will be thoroughly investigated with discretion.
Investigations and disciplinary processes
Once a complaint of harassment is received by the ASA Meeting Management Staff, an impartial investigation committee composed of ASA Board of Directors members, and members of the ASA ethical committee will initiate investigation. The investigation committee will read the written reported facts from the complainant and potential witnesses, inform the alleged offenders of the complaint, and give the alleged offender an opportunity to address and respond to the complaint. The investigation committee will make recommendations to the ASA president and ASA Board of Directors to make a disciplinary decision. If suspected criminal activity has occurred, the complainant will be directed to contact the local police department.
Note that the ASA will not tolerate false declarations nor any form of retaliation against persons who report or witness harassment complaints. Retaliation and false declarations being a transgression of the ASA anti-harassment policy, it is subject to disciplinary action.
Consequences of non-respect of the Anti-Harassment Policy
Transgression of the Anti-Harassment Policy during any ASA related event could result in verbal and written warning, exclusion from the event—with or without refund of fees–and to ASA membership suspension depending on the gravity of the harassment. This policy covers harassment and discrimination by or toward all ASA attendees and participants, including scientists, clinicians, patients, students, guests, exhibitors, event staff, volunteers, vendors, venue staff, and contractors.