Andrology Journal
The Andrology journal serves to increase the visibility, impact, and prominence of Andrology. It is published by the ASA in collaboration with the EAA.
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What is Andrology?
Andrology is the study of the male reproductive system, including sexual health. In common usage, andrology pertains to men as gynecology pertains to women.
Our Mission
The ASA’s mission is to support research and education in andrology, through promoting cross-fertilization and integration of knowledge and expertise in the basic and clinical sciences.
News & Announcements
In Memoriam – Dr. Ryuzo Yanagimachi
With great sadness we inform you that one of the Giants in Reproduction, Professor Ryuzo Yanagimachi, passed away on September 27, 2023. Yana, as everyone called him, was 95 years old. He was full...
In Memoriam – Arnold Belker, M.D.
Arnold Belker, M.D. died on August 26, 2023. His record of service to both patients and colleagues is inspirational. Dr. Belker was a highly respected leader in our discipline who was a regular...